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Magickal Dreamers ~ Blog Train Freebies
This blog train of monthly freebies will leave the station
each month on the 14th day. - this is when our members will post
their freebies to their blogs.
All members participating in each month's blog train freebies needs to have their previews posted in that months album by the 12th of each month.
I will post the lineup in the FB group for members to add to their blogs on the 13th of the month, as time allows.
The goal is to share our freebies with you pretty much a month in advance so you have time to create with them.
January train - January 14th - will refelct Valentine's day type images.
February Train - February 14th - will reflect St. Patrick's Day/Green/Irish...
GUIDELINES/RULES-Magickal Dreamers Blog Train - Monthly Freebies.
♥ Previews Due: 12th of each month in that month's album.
♥ Lineup HTML will be posted for you the 13th (of each month)
available in the files as well as pinned at top of group.
♥ We can post to our blogs on the 14th (of each month)
Anyone without a blog or a store to post your monthly blog freebie can be posted to the main blog by me. Link to item will need to be left in this group or PM'd to me.
We will always be sharing for the next month. Not the holiday that is in the current month. (Jan 14th= Valentine, Feb 14=St. Patrick's Day, March 14=Spring)
We can vote on things as we go also.
I will write a schedule for us and create albums for theme color palettes and previews...
Suggestions are always welcome.
If the scheduled timeline does not fit for a holiday we can always do it early. Just as long as everyone is on the same page and agrees.
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